Maintenance Tips For Turbocharged Cars

Turbocharger Fitting

Turbocharged cars provide power and fuel economy all the same time. These are why people are interested in the turbocharged models, and are willing to spend the money to have one. These are mighty vehicles but they are not invincible. Just like any other car, these will need some maintenance work done on from time to time. Here are a couple things to keep in mind.

  • Synthetic, if you please. The turbocharged car is going to produce a considerable energy that causes temperatures to rise. Synthetic oil is better able to handle the upper degrees of heat generated. You do not have to change the oil once a month. However, it’s good idea to change the oil on the turbocharged car every 5000 miles.
  • Wait Until It Is Warm. Yes, you want to feel the performance but give your car chance to get warm. Lubricant that is cold will not be able to do the job it is supposed to do under the hood. Give your vehicle the opportunity to warm up before you let the horses loose.
  • Use The Best Oil Filters. You no doubt have figured out that the engine oil is going to be extremely important in turbocharged automobile. It is reason enough to purchase the best oil filters you can afford. The owner’s manual can give you some idea of the type of oil which best suits your car. Same can be said for the fuel filter. It is important to keep the air to fuel ratio at the proper level and any obstruction can cause the ratio to become unstable. It is recommended that fuel filters be changed on turbocharged automobiles at least every 10,000 miles.
  • Be an Intelligent Driver. We’ve already discussed how important it is to let the car warm up a little bit. You have to be a smart person behind the wheel when you are steering a turbocharged vehicle. This means not taking rabbit starts. Allow your car to gradually get use to the power being generated. You ought to accelerate slowly, allowing the entire automobile to adapt to the higher temperatures it generates. Being sensible also means understanding the surge in power should not last extended periods of time, or there is a risk of overheating. The temperature has to be governed properly in order for the turbocharged car to function over the long term. You can also help matters by allowing the engine cooling down for 30 seconds before the ignition is turned off.
  • Understand the High Pressure Hose Couplers. Turbocharging means elevated pressures and the hose coupler is put under a great deal of stress. What can happen is that a pressure leak may occur. This will cause the turbocharger to work that much harder and cause problems elsewhere. The high-pressure hose coupler needs to be routinely inspected for possible leaks.


Car Engine

Overall, the owner has to respect the enormous power that can come out of the turbocharged car. The war of the engine can be exciting, but this is a vehicle which will generate extreme heat and that can ultimately damage the interior. The oil, the filters, and the hoses all must be routinely inspected with proper maintenance. Some of this may require the expertise of a trained auto mechanic. You might have to switch to premium gasoline to avoid backfiring. It is going to cost a little bit more at the fuel pump, but this is the price you pay for it that highly powerful car.

You will pay a stiffer price if you ignore maintenance. The parts to a turbocharged car are not cheap, and labor cost can be substantial. Routine maintenance has to be combined with a sensible attitude behind the wheel. This is not your grandfather’s car but it is not a toy, either. The high temperatures generated have to be taken into consideration all times. Frankly, it is not that much of a bother to wait till the car is sufficiently heated or allow it to cool down turning it off. Every car owner wants his or her automobile to operate efficiently for as long as possible. This can happen with the turbocharged car if you are willing to accept that responsibility. You can experience a great deal of driving satisfaction with a turbocharged car, feeling the power of extraordinary vehicle every time you drive.

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